Child restraints are designed for children with specific weight ranges. 儿童约束装置的设计与特定的体重范围的儿童。
Furthermore, the utility model has the advantages of proper specific weight, large specific surface area, low cost, etc. 此外,它还具备比重适当,比表面大,价格低等优点。
Conclusion: Early diagnoses, early processes, may enhance the specific weight imbedibility damage curing rate. 结论:早诊断、早处理,可提高重度吸入性损伤的治愈率。
The specific weight of soil particle, the liquid limit and the plastic limit decreased but the organic content increased with the increase of the concentration of alkali. 而碱浓度的增加导致有机质含量减小,土粒比重、液塑限增加。
Objective The discussion improves the cloudy surgery to treat the specific weight Uterine prolapse clinical curative effect. 目的:探讨改良阴式手术治疗重度子宫脱垂的临床疗效。
Correlation analysis of CPT parameters and physical and mechanical indexes of subsoils, empirical formulas eduction between CPT parameters and subsoil specific weight, modulus of compressibility, blow numbers of standard penetration test and shear wave velocity. 研究静力触探参数与地基土物理力学指标的相关分析,得出经验公式,包括静力触探参数与地基土的重度、压缩模量、标准贯入击数和剪切波速的相关经验公式;
The specific weight is poisoned 14 people to occupy picks out the human 2.1%. 重度中毒14人,占检出人的2.1%。
This paper studies the influence of Na~+, Ca~ ( 2+), and Al~ ( 3+), which are familiar in natural river, on the dry specific weight of sediment by the experimentation of sediment settling in water. 通过静水沉降试验初步研究了天然河水中常见金属离子Na+,Ca2+和Al3+对泥沙淤积干重度的影响。
The paper discusses that first loose specific weight neodymium fluoride, capacity of hydrofluoric acid and process of secondary combustion influence improving the last loose specific weight neodymium fluoride. 讨论了原料氟化钕的起始松装比、氢氟酸的加入量、二次煅烧工艺对提高氟化钕最终松装比的影响。
The Relationship on Concentration, Specific Weight and Temperature of Gelatin Solution 明胶溶液浓度、比重与温度的关系
The result shows that the process can produce high loose specific weight product. 试验表明:该工艺能生产出高松装比产品。
Shoot tip growth of peach in relation to temperature, leaf water potential and specific weight 桃枝条梢端生长及其与温度、叶水势和比叶重关系的研究
Leaf specific weight shows significant positive correlation with yields and photosynthetic rate, and the correlation coefficient reaches very notable level for 0.9102 and 7.9280, respectively. 比叶重与产量及光合速率呈明显的正相关,相关系数分别为0.9102和0.9280,达极显著水平。
Comparing with the method by measuring specific weight, the present one has higher accuracy. 不同于测量比重的方法,本方法简便易行,且具有较高精度。
For example, existing flow ratios can't provide the composition of current asset, and the users of financial statements can't understand the specific weight of each element of current asset clearly. 比如,现行的流动比率不能提供流动资产的构成,报表使用者不能清晰地了解流动资产各要素的具体权重。
The results of the experimentation show some conclusions as follows. ① The influence mechanism of the metal cations on the dry specific weight of sediment is similar, but the influence of high valence ions is bigger. 试验结果表明:①金属离子对泥沙淤积干重度的影响机理均相同,但是高价离子对泥沙淤积干重度影响大;
During the late co-growing period, the leaf specific weight and chlorophyll content of winter wheat were high where the soil moisture was high, but the yield and WUE by yield significantly declined ( P < 0.01). 在共生后期,土壤含水量高的冬小麦具有较高的比叶重和叶绿素含量,但其产量和产量水平水分利用效率(YWUE)则显著下降(P<0.01)。
During the treatment of a particle field the effect of particle diameter, specific weight, rigidity of material and friction factor, etc on particle movement has been taken into account. 在处理颗粒场时考虑到颗粒直径、比重、材料的刚度、摩擦系数等对颗粒运动的影响。
In this model, Decision-maker's subjective preference is reflected in term, of preference restraint rather than a specific weight priority vector as in conventional models. 该模型把决策者的偏好信息视为一种约束,而非传统模型中的确定权重向量。
This paper simply analysed basic conditions and velocity range in various weights of helicopter formation flight in single engine operative and performance prediction in specific weight. 本文对直升机单发编队飞行执行某任务的基本条件,不同重量时单发飞行的飞行速度范围,特定重量的性能估算进行了简单的分析。
Seasonal change of the net photosynthesis rate, chlorophyll content and specific weight of leaf of sugarcane and their relationships 甘蔗净光合速率、叶绿素和比叶重的季节变化及其关系
The difference of the specific weight of fresh leaf and dried leaf in the varieties is obvious. 各品种间叶片的比叶鲜重和比叶干重也有明显差异。
The Engineering Properties of MSW are research by the conventional soil tests, such as unit weight, moisture content, the specific weight, hydraulic conductivity, compressibility and shear strength. 使用土工试验方法,对垃圾土的基本性质指标进行了研究,包括容重、含水量、比重、有机物含量、渗透系数、压缩性和剪切强度等性质指标。
The Influence of Specific Weight of Grains on Sediment Transport Capacity 颗粒比重对水流挟沙力的影响
Carbon fiber and Carbon fiber reinforced composite materials have many Excellent performance, such as high strength, high modulus, temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, creep resistance, electrical conductivity, heat transfer, and small specific weight. 碳纤维及其复合材料具有高强度、高模量、耐高温,耐腐蚀、耐疲劳、抗蠕变、导电、传热、比重小等优异性能,在现代化工业发展中具有十分重要的作用。
It is concluded that the angle of internal friction of backfill soil, the angle of friction between the earth and the wall back, the specific weight of backfill, the basis friction coefficient, the hydraulic gradient etc. are all normal distribution random variables. 认为回填土的内摩擦角、土与墙背摩擦角、填土重度、基底摩擦系数、水力坡度等均为服从正态分布的随机变量。
Result enunciation that an industry increment value specific weight in GDP is influence Shandong province city country residents the income margin show most of factor, secondly is a GDP growth rate and binary structure coefficient. 4. 结果表明,第一产业增加值在GDP的比重是影响山东省城乡居民收入差距最显著的因素,其次是GDP增长率和二元结构系数。
The first expert evaluation method is used to determine the 12 level 3 index system by using ahp, the second set specific weight, finally using comprehensive fuzzy evaluation method for the evaluation of training effect. 文章首先运用专家评审法确定了一二三级指标体系,其次运用层次分析法设置了具体的权重,最后运用综合模糊评价法进行培训效果的评估。